Predicting dark triad personality traits from twitter usage and a linguistic analysis of tweets in python
Predicting dark triad personality traits from twitter usage and a linguistic analysis of tweets PROJECT ID: PYTHON20 PROJECT NAME: Predicting dark triad personality traits from twitter usage and a linguistic analysis of tweets PROJECT CATEGORY: MCA / BCA / BCCA / MCM / POLY / ENGINEERING PROJECT ABSTRACT: Social media sites are now the most populardestination for Internet users, providing social scientists with agreat opportunity to understand online behaviour. There are agrowing number of research papers related to social media, asmall number of which focus on personality prediction. To date,studies have typically focused on the Big Five traits ofpersonality, but one area which is relatively unexplored is that ofthe anti-social traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism andpsychopathy, commonly referred to as the Dark Triad. Thisstudy explored the extent to which it is possible to determine anti-social personality traits based on Twitter u...